Sessional 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten in Highett with extended care until 5:30pm every day
We know that starting kinder is a big step for every child, so we prioritise their emotional needs and social skills to make them feel valued and safe. Early childhood is a unique and valuable stage of development, which is enhanced through an inclusive, play-based learning environment.
Our programs are informed by observing how each child learns, responds, and creates relationships. A play-based program allows children to practice and extend what they already know by sharing, talking, taking turns, exercising self-control and cooperating in groups. When children feel confident, they are happy to experiment with new materials and situations and learn and develop a variety of new skills. Across our practice and programs, we follow both the National (EYLF) and State (VEYLDF) Learning Frameworks and the National Quality Standards (NQS), where we are rated EXCEEDING the National Quality Standards.
“I like going to Livingston Kindergarten because I like making craft creations and seeing my friends, and my teachers help me when I need it. And I get to do art and craft and make creations!”
Learning through play
We ensure that all areas of the curriculum are included when we are planning our play-based program. Curriculum areas include literacy and STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths). We also ensure that there are opportunities for children to develop a variety of school-readiness skills like fine and gross motor, turn-taking, social skills, perseverance, confidence, and respect for others.
Our knowledge of the children ensures that we allow each one to work at his or her own level and pace, in order to experience success and further develop understanding.
By working with individuals and small groups, our educators scaffold, enhance, and consolidate the children’s learning through questioning, and offering new ideas.
The children enjoy music, play dough, cooking, science experiments, finger painting, water play, collage, drawing, puzzles, building with blocks, manipulative games, dramatic play and gross motor experiences. We also believe in tailoring programs to our children in the classroom, celebrating diversity in culture, celebrations and experiences.
“I like kinder because I get to do drawing, painting and creating rocket ships.”
Excursions and Incursions
We take advantage of our lovely natural environment with fun incursions and excursions around Bayside.
We organise a variety of incursions, including drama, seaweed sally, puppet shows, responsible pet program, and road safety. These are organised based on the interests and developmental stages of the group and enhance the kindergarten programs as we extend and revisit the experience through discussions, photos, and activities throughout the year.
All children in the 4-year-old groups take part in the “out and about program.” This allows the children to go out into the community for a variety of experiences including visiting the library, the supermarket, nature walks, literacy walks etc. They also provide opportunities for the children to learn about and experience road safety, and dog awareness.
We also have a stunning, newly-renovated, child-approved outdoor area with water play.
“I love playing outside at Livingston because I can run around!”
Livcare, our extended care program
Great for working families, we also offer an extended care program for both three and four-year-old kinder children which transitions them seamlessly from sessional kinder.
Livcare is offered onsite and is available every day until 5.30pm. Our three and four-year-olds are often together in the same room, allowing for free-play opportunities and relationship building. The educators cater for the longer hours by incorporating mindfulness and well-being experiences including meditation, yoga and music. This program is facilitated by our qualified educators who are permanent members of our Livingston kindergarten team.
All children attending the kindergarten are able to attend the extended care sessions, however spaces are limited. Casual sessions can be requested.
Our extended care program is not funded by the government, however we do everything we can to keep this program accessible for all our families.
“I like to go outside, playing with the trains and also mat time. I love being special helper! I really wanted to go to Livcare so I asked if I could go, and I really enjoy it as I get more time with my friends and teachers”